My tip for this Monday is for all of you creative types, or wannabe creative types; whether you have your own business, want to start your own business or just want to let your creative juices flow.
The Creative Connection Event is only a month away and still has room. What is The Creative Connection Event? It's "a three day conference, crafting extravaganza, shopping emporium for creative women, women entrepreneurs, 'mompreneurs', created by Nancy Soriano and Jo Packham from WHERE WOMEN CREATE."
The Creative Connection Event is only a month away and still has room. What is The Creative Connection Event? It's "a three day conference, crafting extravaganza, shopping emporium for creative women, women entrepreneurs, 'mompreneurs', created by Nancy Soriano and Jo Packham from WHERE WOMEN CREATE."
"The Creative Connection will bring together women who are passionate about being creative in their everyday lives as artists, mothers, bloggers, cooks, business owners and crafters. Come learn, create, market, shop, connect with like-minded women from all across the United States!"

I will only be attending the first day but am so looking forward to it! I highly recommend attending if possible. Big names like Lisa Leonard, Amy Butler, Mary Jane Butters and of course my favorite...Ree the Pioneer Woman! The classes look awesome and so does the smart bar and panel discussions. I am going to take the "distress for success" class by Carol Kemery.

I have shared before how much I love me some junk, well I am really excited to let you in on a great junk adventure: the Junk Bonanza!!! It is running the same weekend as The Creative Connection Event: just icing on the cake if you ask me!!

I am going too! now what the heck should we wear lol. I can't wait!