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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Forever and Ever

Sunday was my and my husband’s seventh anniversary. I wanted to make him something fun and special. But before I get to that I have to give you some history.

Eric and I started dating nine years ago the same weekend as our wedding anniversary. Before that we were friends for about four years. We met one time at the Newman Center (Catholic Student Center) at South Dakota State University. I was a freshman and he was a second year sophomore or something like that. Now, I don’t remember that meeting so I don’t technically claim that as our first meeting. I was a hyper girl and flitted around the Newman Center socializing, my unofficial major.

I guess a mutual friend introduced us one night in the library but like I said I don’t remember it. He does though because I am just that memorable!  Hee Hee.

I remember meeting Eric on the Spring Break trip I took my sophomore year volunteering at a homeless shelter in San Antonio, TX. It was a long van ride down with a stay in Oklahoma to break it up. Eric sat in the front passenger seat this quiet, brooding guy with a black leather jacket and glasses. He didn’t say anything from South Dakota to Kansas. Meanwhile towards the back of the van I am babbling and telling stories non-stop. (One of the guys would throw quarters at me like I was the freak show or something!)

When we stopped at a rest stop in KS I decided to have a little fun with this serious, quiet engineering student so I hopped in the front seat, stealing his spot! He just smiled and crawled in the back, he warmed up and joked a little more from then on and we’ve been friends ever since.

I was so freaked out when we started dating, I had always thought of him like a brother and truth be told wasn’t really interested in a relationship; I had THINGS TO DO!!

We were six hours apart so in the beginning most of our relationship was phone calls and emails. I joked that he was the Ogre from Shrek and I was the Donkey. It really describes our personalities and the way we balance each other.

In March of 2003 we chaperoned a Spring Break trip to Kentucky. The Farm is an old Tobacco farm founded by Eric’s uncle, Fr. Jerry. College students stay for their spring break and volunteer in the community. It’s an amazing experience and beautiful in the foothills of the Appalachia Mountains.

One of the last nights there Eric took me for a walk through the trees along a stream, as we came around a bend I could see torches lit up along the path to the point where two streams met and formed the one. Eric led me to the spot and said that it was like our lives; two joining to become one. Of course I said, “YES!”

On the drive home he kept saying, “forever and ever”. I thought it was so sweet until I realized he was scared and preparing himself! It is our motto now and I had it engraved on his wedding band for our first anniversary.

Now I have gone on and on so will wait until tomorrow to show you the creation. Tomorrow- I PROMISE!!!

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